On our trip from Bloomington to Knoxville Downtown, we ran into some clouds that would not let us over the mountains in to the Knoxville area. The closest airport was Somerset, KY (KSME).
The staff at the county Airport was very friendly and professional. Full service fuel was around $4.15/gal… Pretty reasonable for Full service. They have a couple of courtesy vans that are in good shape. The lounge is comfortable, but the weather station wasn’t working while we were there (My experience is that many FBO’s are letting these slip with more pilots using their phones).
Cheryl and I signed out a van with the intention of grabbing a bite to eat… we headed out the front door where we were greeted by ‘Cumberland’. Cumberland was abandoned by someone when it still needed it’s mother. it was starving and dehydrated. The Lineman gave us a box and we headed to town on a mission to find Cumberland a home. We were going to take her to the local Humane society, but they were closed on Saturdays. We met all kinds of friendly people while searching for a home. With help from the locals, we were able to locate a veterinary hospital, that took her in to be put up for adoption later that day.
After the minor animal rescue, we headed to the near by Texas Road house for lunch. The plane was fueled and ready to go when we got back. Twenty minutes later were back in the air again heading for Knoxville Downtown.